A words: 3000 List

Adverb at a higher level
Look up! See the red cardinal above us?
Noun a description of an event or situation
The Moche left no written record but they did leave a fabulous account of their life and times in paintings on pots and vessels. Many show every-day events and objects such as people, fish, birds and other animals.
Phrase cry and complain about things that are uncomfortable or difficult
acting like a baby
My sister is acting like a baby, complaining about how much work she has to do. Too bad, that's life!
Verb to act on someone or something and cause a change
Norman's injury didn't affect his desire to compete.
Verb to cause a change in (a part of the body)
I don't feel so good. Something is affecting my stomach.
Adjective feeling fear or anxiety
She's afraid of having her tooth pulled because it could hurt a lot!
Noun the part of the day between noon and evening
I spend the afternoon relaxing with my friends after school.
Phrase expose a room to the open air in order to make it fresh
air the room
Every morning I make my bed, open the windows, and air the bedroom.
Noun a system used for cooling and drying the air in a building, room, etc.
It's 100 degrees outside, but my room is cool since I have air-conditioning. My cat loves it!
Noun a company that owns and operates many airplanes
Do you know which airline has a 'Disneyland' plane? This one is Alaska Airlines Boeing 737-990.
in a line matching the length of something
That's my sister running along the beach.
Adverb at all times; on all occasions
Caitlin and Donnie always fall asleep during class.
in the middle of
Can you find me among the crowd?
Adjective in existence for a very long time
The bells of Oxford's ancient Magdalen Tower have been rung for 500 years!
Noun the date on which a couple was married in a previous year
For our one year anniversary we dressed up and had a limo drive us to a fancy restaurant!
Noun a set of rooms in a building where someone lives
Did you hear? We have to find a new apartment.
Noun a round fruit with red, yellow, or green skin and firm white flesh
I'm picking apples with friends. This one looks perfect!
Verb to ask formally for a job, usually in writing
I'm applying to many different companies for a job. With luck I'll hear back from a couple of them!
Verb to choose someone to have a particular job
Marie Curie introduced a method of teaching based on experimental demonstrations. In December 1904 she was appointed chief assistant in the laboratory directed by Pierre Curie.
Phrase going to happen very soon
around the corner
The team worked hard because the deadline for the installation was around the corner.
Verb to set a specific amount of money as a price
I normally ask $30 for this. But for you, my friend, $25 is fine.
Phrase ask about the health or well-being of someone
ask after
When I see Sylvia I'll ask after her grandmother.
Phrase to request to see or talk to
asking for
Do you know someone named Joseph? He's asking for you.
Phrase do something or acting in a way that is likely to cause you trouble or difficulties
He's asking for trouble
Carl is working on his truck again. He's asking for trouble the way he has it propped up!
Phrase to ask someone to go on a date with you
ask Lucy out
"I'm amazed that you had the courage to ask Lucy out.""Well I'm amazed that she said yes!"
Noun a person trained to compete in sports, games, or exercises
Athletes come from all around the world to compete during the Olympics.
Adjective active in sports, games, or exercises
My sisters are very athletic. They go biking every weekend.
Noun a group of people who gather together to listen or watch something
The audience laughed throughout the comedian's performance. She was very funny!
The Clean Air Act gives the Environmental Protection Agency authority to better regulate air emissions in the USA. Recently, the EPA used the law to lower in greenhouse gas emissions from power plants.
Noun the power or right to direct or control someone or something
The Moche leadership - which at least in part claimed authority on the basis of being able to determine the weather - had lost its authority and control over its people.
Adjective able to be used or obtained
I'm very excited to see this movie. I'll be first in line when tickets become available!
Adjective free to do something
"Hey, are you available on Friday? Would you like to go with me to the dance?""Sure, I'd love to go."
Verb to give a reward or prize to someone or something
Ben and Julia were awarded trophies after the bowling tournament.
Phrase to impress (someone) in a very strong and favorable way
blew me away
That movie was fantastic. The lead's performance blew me away!
Phrase to get away from someone or something especially by using force or effort
breaking away
Go green! My horse is breaking away from the pack.
Noun a bank account from which you can take money by writing checks
checking account
I hope there's enough money in my checking account, I need to pay my rent!
Verb make advances to a goal
coming along
"How's work on the bridge going?""Oh it's coming along..."
Verb be faced with or challenged by (something such as an enemy or problem)
came up against
The climbing team came up against strong winds as they climbed Mt. Fuji.
Noun a person that sells, rents and manages land and property for clients
estate agent
I'm thinking of moving but I need to sell my house, do you know a good estate agent?
Phrase to become more successful
get ahead
If you want to get ahead in life, work hard and do what you love!
Phrase to be or remain friendly
get along
Our family dog just met our new cat. Looks like they get along.
Phrase to find time to do something
got around to
I've lived in Paris for ten years now, but I only just got around to seeing the Mona Lisa!
Phrase to go away from your home for a vacation
get away
I'm tired of this cold, miserable weather. I can't wait to get away to somewhere warm and sunny.
Phrase to do something bad without being punished
get away with murder
When my brother is in charge, we get away with murder hanging out with our friends day and night.
Phrase to get confused and lose one's way
got turned around
They were driving to their destination, but along the way they got turned around.
Phrase used to say that you want to do or have something very much
give anything
I would give anything to be able to play the guitar as well as him!
Verb reveal or make known, usually by accident
How you move can give away a lot. Maybe too much, if the wrong person is watching. We think, for instance, that the way we walk can influence the likelihood of an attack by a stranger.
Phrase to begin or to continue to happen
went ahead
Despite the heavy snow the festival went ahead as planned.
Phrase to leave your home for a period of time
going away
I can't believe I'm going away to college. The van's packed and ready to go!
Phrase to spend time doing silly or playful things
goof around
When I was a kid I would goof around with my brother all the time.
Verb to continue to be in a place for a significant amount of time
hang around
Carlos liked to hang around on campus and sketch what he saw.
Phrase to only have one more chance
has two strikes against him
Micah needs to pay attention in class. He already has two strikes against him and the teacher is watching him carefully.
Phrase used to say no to an invitation (formal)
I appreciate the offer, but
Jasmine: I appreciate the offer, but I can't go to the yoga class. I'm broke at the moment.
Phrase in my opinion
if you ask me
Many people are afraid of spiders. If you ask me, they're just misunderstood.
kicked the ball around
Last Wednesday I kicked the ball around with my buddies.
Noun a museum dedicated to showcasing modern art
museum of modern art
The Cambridge Museum of Modern Art is basically a huge sculpture garden.
Verb cooperate or pretend to cooperate
plays along
When Amanda decides that she is a famous sword fighter, her dad plays along.
Verb behave in a casual, foolish, or irresponsible way
playing around
Quit playing around guys, you need to finish that banner for the party!
Phrase to save or keep something, such as money, to be used at a later time
put aside
I always try to put aside some money in case I need it for an emergency.
Verb to return something to the place where it belongs
put away
"Class! Put away your phones, I'm starting the lesson!"
to visit a number of shops to compare goods and prices
shop around
I saw the same pair of jeans across the street for twenty dollars more! It's a good thing I shop around!
Verb join in singing with a performer or lead
sing along
Many shoppers stopped to sing along with the carolers performing outside.
Phrase to spend time doing nothing useful
sitting around
My sister spent the whole weekend sitting around watching TV instead of doing her schoolwork.
Verb separate the parts of something
taking the whole thing apart
I tried to replace a key in my keyboard, but I ended up taking the whole thing apart!
Noun an act of taking the ball or puck from a player on the other team
The defense saved the game with an excellent take-away from the white team.
Phrase to put something that is no longer useful or wanted in the trash
throw away
I had to throw away my umbrella after it broke in a rainstorm.
Phrase take a short trip through a place in order to view it
tour around
On our first day we decided to tour around London in their famous double-decker buses.
Verb move so as to face the opposite direction
turns around
In order to attract a female’s attention the Baltimore Oriole raises itself to full height, ruffles its feathers, bows, and turns around. The Oriole then launches into a seductive song.
Phrase place that passengers stay until they are called to go onto a plane, train, bus, etc.
waiting area
Wow. Our waiting area at the gate is very crowded. I hope they call our flight soon.
Verb go by foot following something such as a river
walk along
I love to walk along the river, even in the winter.