Phrase stop for a short rest
taking a break
No worries everyone! I'm not stuck, I'm just taking a break.
Phrase speak with the person who is phoning you
take this call
You should take this call. It's your mom.
look at with attention
take a look
Guys, take a look at this! I wonder what it is...
try something that may result in loss or failure
take risks
It's important to take risks in life, but I don't think this is a good one!
sit down
take your seats
Please take your seats, the show is about to begin.
Phrase draw a small amount of liquid into your mouth
take a sip
This girl is taking a sip of a nice cold beer. Are you thirsty? Would you like one?
go somewhere in a taxicab
take a taxi
There was a school bus strike so these kids had to take a taxi to school.