My Favorite Vegetables

Noun a plant whose long, green leaves are used in salads and other dishes
What's your favorite topping on pizza besides cheese? Of course for me it's arugula. Are you kidding!
Noun a dark green vegetable with tightly curled leaves
A number of types of kale have become popular in the US as a healthy food to eat.
Noun any of various plants grown for their leaves that are eaten uncooked
Tomatoes and cucumbers are great in our lettuce salad.
Noun a fungus that is shaped like an umbrella, esp. one that can be eaten
Try using mushrooms in your next meat or pasta dish to give it a nice earthy flavor.
Noun round green seeds that are eaten as a vegetable
My sisters are like two peas in a pod. They're a lot alike (but not round like these peas that we eat)!
Noun a hollow vegetable that is red, orange, yellow, or green and eaten raw or cooked
I got some beautiful peppers at the market. I hope they're not too hot!
Noun a round root of a plant that has brown, yellow, or red skin and light-colored flesh inside
Potatoes are eaten all over the world! How do you like them prepared?
Noun a vegetable that has wide, dark green leaves that are eaten cooked or raw
I like spinach salad and I love it cooked with butter and garlic. Popeye does too!