Escape the City

Noun a vacation
It is nice to get out of the city together. This getaway should be the best yet.
Adjective attractive or interesting
Absolutely! This kind of scenery is the most appealing for me. Don't you just love being in the fresh air?
Verb lodge somewhere as a visitor or guest
Yeah sure, but is this old stone cottage where we're staying? I thought you said we had a room at the coolest place in the area!
Phrase any business, product, or operation that is a dependable source of income
cash cow
Oh, you thought we were staying at the fancy new hotel? They have the highest reputation but also the highest prices! Sorry, I'm not your cash cow.
Adjective of impressive appearance or size
Forget about chic hotels... it's hiking up for views like this that makes me feel great. I think they're the finest in the country. Don't you agree?
Phrase move in a particular direction by turning over and over
roll in
Well, the scenery may be nice but when storm clouds roll in, the topmost thing on my mind is to get back inside fast.
Verb take pleasure
And really, the biggest treat for me is luxuriating at the spa.