Amazing Stuff

Noun special quality that makes something or someone more desirable
Legends about the Hope Diamond's "cursed origin" were invented in the early 20th century to add mystique and increase sales appeal.
Adjective not able to use again, especially to reprocess
"When they bury me and dig me up, they'll discover I'm absolutely non-biodegradable and non-recyclable," said Rivers.
Adjective easily noticed or seen
The praying mantis is named for its prominent front legs, which are held together at an angle that suggests the position of prayer.
Verb be the main or most noticeable feature of a situation or place
At 46, the father of two still reigns as Hollywood's most irresistible iconoclast. He's as one-of-a-kind as his beloved 15-year-old boots and as smoldering as his favorite Cuban cigars.
Noun feeding on dead or decaying matter
Piranha have tightly packed, interlocking teeth built for rapid puncture and shearing. Piranhas have a voracious appetite for meat, but prefer to scavenge on animals that are already dead.
Noun bright, softly shining surface or appearance
Many scarabs explode with bright colors and intricate patterns. Some are iridescent and others have an unnatural metallic sheen.
Verb wear or display something proudly with the intention of impressing others
In 2000, this former nurse from Brazil had 462 body piercings --192 in her face alone. In March 2010, Elaine sported a total of 6,725, including more than 1,500 that are internal.
Adjective flowing or falling fast and in great quantities
The torrential rain has badly damaged the country's infrastructure, and thousands of people have been left homeless by flooding and mudslides in Venezuela.
Verb make a thorough or dramatic change in appearance or character
A Forbes spokesman said: "It was wizardry that transformed JK Rowling from a destitute single mother on welfare into a best-selling billionaire."
Verb take place
Discovered on Sept. 18, 2006, the explosion actually transpired in a distant galaxy about 238 million light years away -- meaning it happened about 238 million years ago.