Mixed Up Words

Noun a thing that adds value to something else
Do you think these turquoise sun glasses are a good complement for my blue hair? I think they go pretty well together!
Verb say nice things about something
In Northern Africa, when a meal is spicy enough to make your sinus runny, the food is complimented for cleaning out the airways. That spicy heat often comes from harissa.
Verb cause or produce something as a reaction
An analysis of the top 50 social/viral video ads found that the ideal length for video content on YouTube averages 4 min. 11 sec. It takes a little bit of time to elicit emotion, which is what drives the viewer to share.
Verb individuals connect or put themselves together to create something
Fire ants have evolved so remarkably that they can self-assemble into structural tools utilized by the entire colony, including a buoyant raft, to ensure it stays intact.
Adverb at, to or by a greater distance in time or space
“Space Lawyer” sounds like a job that’s too awesome to exist, but it’s not — you really can practice space law. It's a fascinating realm of study that's becoming more and more relevant as we get farther out into the galaxy.
Adverb additional to what already exists or has already taken place or been accounted for
Axolotls are popular in the aquarium trade and also roasted axolotl is a delicacy in Mexico, further shrinking their numbers.
Adjective not allowed by law or custom
A group of divers find themselves in deep trouble with a drug lord after they come upon the illicit cargo of a sunken airplane.
Verb obtain coverage for the loss or damage of a valued item
An Indiana museum has to sell a long-lost Picasso found in storage because it would cost too much to insure. If there is a silver lining, it's that after the sale, the museum will have plenty of funds for new works.
Verb come before
While a fearsome reputation precedes them, in reality the tarantula's bite is only as harmful as it looks. What venom they may inject is weaker than that of the average bee.
Verb begin to carry on an action or a process
Filmmaker Casey Neistat conducted an experiment in New York City where he locked up and proceeded to steal his own bike, using brazen means and audacious locations, like in front of a police station.