Domestic Violence

Noun abuse that happens in the home
a domestic
Oh no, it's happening again. My neighbors are having a domestic for the third time this week. I hate when I hear them fighting.
Noun discoloration of the skin around the eye from being hit
Today, I saw the guy had a shiner. He wore sunglasses to try and hide his eye. It's awful. I really want to help but I don't know what to do!
Adjective not identified by name
If I call the cops I want to remain anonymous. I'm not sure how they would react if they knew I brought in the police.
Noun injuries appearing as areas of discolored skin in the body
If I don't take action I fear more bruises will appear. Yesterday, my neighbours' arms were black and blue. Why do they stay together if they can't get along?
Noun a direct phone number for a specific purpose, especially for use in emergencies
Well I can't take this anymore. Something MUST be done! I'm going to call 911 and the 1-800 domestic abuse hotline. Someone can help if I call.
Noun safe place to live
Maybe one of my neighbors could go to a shelter and stay in a protected environment for a few weeks. But will separation really help them?
Noun a legal document that stops one person from contacting another
restraining order
One of them could get a restraining order from the court. This will legally prevent further contact with each other. But will it fix the problem? Will it really make things better for the two of them?
Noun a relationship with someone who is emotionally or physically abusive
toxic relationship
A toxic relationship is complex and there are no easy answers. But in the end no one should have a partner that abuses them. It it doesn't stop then I believe it's best to separate as hard as that may be.