Try It

Create your own version of these cards
very funny
That movie was a laugh a minute. You should have seen all the crazy animal tricks!
to not care romantically about someone any more
I wonder if Amanda is over John yet. I'd like to ask her out on a date.
not able or willing to accept (something or someone unpleasant) without complaint
My brother's band is really awful. I can't stand being home when they're practicing!
to get along well
Mike and Molly hit it off the first time they met and have been going out ever since.
to do a trick that affects someone by making them look foolish
My friends played a trick on me at lunch. I'm not sure it was so funny.
way of saying what one thinks or feels to be true
It seems to me that this dog looks very cute in a scarf!
speak with the person who is phoning you
You should take this call. It's your mom.
you are just too funny, clever or entertaining
"You're too much Greg! You always make me laugh!"